League of legends consumables tier list maker template free

Template last modified: 07/24/2024

Which consumable do you think is perfect? ​​Start creating your League of Legends consumables tier list here

For this, We have prepared for you: 9 images, 6 types of ratings

If you're looking for more League of Legends templates, you can check out the League of Legends tier list templates.

Start making Tier List

Enable or hide name
Control WardControl Ward
Corrupting PotionCorrupting Potion
Elixir of AvariceElixir of Avarice
Elixir of IronElixir of Iron
Elixir of SorceryElixir of Sorcery
Elixir of WrathElixir of Wrath
Health PotionHealth Potion
Refillable PotionRefillable Potion
Stealth WardStealth Ward
Select an image or icon

If the images provided in the template do not meet your needs, you can click [Select an image or icon] to add the images you need. At the same time, please change the file name to the name you want to display, because the file name will be automatically set to the title above the image.

Tips:We will not store your images, please feel free to use them.

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